High School Students

Loreal ThomasLoreal Thomas

HS Student (thomaslo@students.pittschools.org)

Loreal is a senior from South Central High School in the BSOM Honors Medical Research Program.  She is captain of the Cheerleading Team, a member of National Honor Society, National Science and Math Honor Society. After graduation, she plans to attend a four-year university to continue her studies.

Haley ParamoreHaley Paramore

HS Student (paramoha1@students.pittschools.org)

Haley is a senior at South Central High School. She plays golf and hopes to compete at the collegiate level while studying in the field of health/medicine. She is a graduate of the Teen Leadership Institute with the Greenville Chamber of Commerce. As well as, elected president of the National Honor Society at South Central. She is excited to be working in a research lab and gaining experience with both research and cancer through the BSOM Honors Medical Research Program.