Dhanushi Dedakia
UD Student (dedakiad21@students.ecu.edu)
Dhanushi is the Centennial Fellow Scholar in the ECU Honors College, majoring in Physics with a minor in Biology and Chemistry. She is also the treasurer for the Indian Student Association and Society of Physics Students. She plans on attending medical school after graduation.
Connor Finnerty
UD Student (finnertyc24@students.ecu.edu)
Connor is a junior at East Carolina University, majoring in Physics. He attended Early College East High School, where he graduated with an Associate of Science degree. He is currently an undergraduate research assistant in the Huarac Lab.
Marshall Malone
UD Student (malonem23@students.ecu.edu)
I am a sophomore undergraduate majoring in Biology and Physics at ECU. I would like to pursue a PhD in Astrobiology after graduation and build a career in space research.