Dr. Regina DeWitt

Associate Professor

Office Location: Austin 126A
Telephone: (252) 328-4980
Email: dewittr@ecu.edu

PhD in Physics, University of Heidelberg, 2002


  • Luminescence dosimetry: methods, materials, applications, and instrumentation
  • TL and OSL dating of rocks and sediments
  • Radiation detection and measurement
  • Environmental radiation and accident dosimetry

Research Projects

Regina DeWitt studies radiation in the environment by using thermally (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) for its detection. Dr. DeWitt’s group works in a wide variety of research areas, ranging from environmental and medical, to planetary and space applications. The group investigates the properties of novel materials and develops new luminescence instrumentation. A setup in the Accelerator Laboratory is used to learn more about the basic physical processes of luminescence. In that setting they develop new techniques for accident dosimetry that will enable a faster response in case of radiation emergencies. Furthermore, the group uses TL and OSL to better understand the radiation environment in sediment and permafrost with the goal of studying life in extreme environments. Dr. DeWitt’s TL/OSL Laboratory accepts samples for sediment dating. Projects are ongoing at field sites in Antarctica and the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Projects in the lab are both on the graduate- and undergraduate-level.

Courses Taught

  • PHYS 1250 General Physics I
  • PHYS 2350 University Physics I
  • PHYS 2360 University Physics II
  • PHYS 4310 Modern Optics
  • PHYS 4080 Astronomy