Dr. Zi-Wei Lin


Office Location: Austin 131
Telephone: (252) 328-2941
Email: linz@ecu.edu
Research Website

PhD in Physics, Columbia University in the City of New York, 1996


  • Theoretical heavy ion physics
  • Radiation physics
  • Pseudo-CT image generation

Research Projects

Dr. Zi-Wei Lin does research in theoretical and computational physics. His research interests include

  1. theoretical high energy heavy ion physics and development of Monte Carlo transport models,
  2. radiation physics and space radiation protection,
  3. medical physics on pseudo-CT methods for MRI-only radiotherapy.

These projects have involved undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, visiting students, and visiting professors.

Courses Taught

  • PHYS 1250 General Physics I
  • PHYS 4326 Electricity and Magnetism I
  • PHYS 4417 Modern Physics II
  • PHYS 5900/5901 Computational Physics
  • PHYS 6528 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
  • PHYS 6528/8528 Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics
  • PHYS 6710 Physics in Nuclear Medicine
  • RONC 7370 Biological Effects of Radiation (co-instructor)