Learning Assistant Program

East Carolina University’s STEM Collaborative for Research in Education (CoRE) has piloted a Learning Assistant (LA) program for key gateway STEM courses. Learn about the LA program at ECU.

The program is built upon a model introduced in 2001 at the University of Colorado – Boulder and is implemented at more than 100 institutions internationally.

You can currently find Learning Assistants (LAs) in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Associate Dean, Derek Maher, has recently been awarded a grant to expand the Learning Assistant Program to include courses in Economics, Geology and Mathematics.

Making STEM Teachers

A key aspect of the Learning Assistant Program is increasing the number of STEM teachers we create. As a new LA, you are required to take our “Teaching and Learning Science” course; an introductory course on learning theory and active listening to prepare you for the LA experience.

LA Program By the Numbers

Faculty Members
from ECU’s College of Arts & Sciences have transformed the way they teach.

of Introductory Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, and Physics have utilized learning assistants.

Learning Assistants
have served in courses promoting active engagement and interaction among students.

have been impacted by having learning assistants in their classes.